Iniciaste sesión como:
Iniciaste sesión como:
No army since 1949
Oldest democracy in Latin America
Member of the OECD since 2021
Seat to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (OAS)
Most stable country of Central America (Legal, politics & economics)
Happiest country in the world (2019, 2016, 2012 & 2009)
Second Best Place to retire (according to International Living 2022)
51,100 Sq Km | 5+ million population
Capital City: San José | 340K population
Pacific to Atlantic coast: 156 miles / 252 Km
Panamá to Nicaragua borders: 323 miles / 520 Km
Flight SJO-MIA: 2:45 hrs. (non-stop)
Flight SJO-LHR: 10:30 hrs. (non-stop)
PIP per capita: US$ 13,198 (2022)
Exports: US$ 17,900 millions (2022)
Turism: 2.3 million visitors (2022)
You can easily find a reason to invest in Costa Rica:
- The strategic proximity to the American Market
- Easy shipping via the Caribbean and Pacific ports
- Many tax-exempted investment regimens including free zone
- More than 15 Free Trade Agreements worldwide
In addition, many industries are well positioned for local and export activities including medical devices, agro and agroindustry, services (BPO), etc.
All these opportunities and benefits can be achieved when you start up an operation in the country,
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